I'm TINYPLANT1681 TC, I have many name like a species of plants but We're the same. ☺
TINYPLANT1681 TC started 5 years ago from the love of plants, culture, and growing new things.
We're located in Bangkok, Thailand the center of mainland Southeast Asia. It is wholly within the tropics and encompasses diverse ecosystems.
TINYPLANT1681 TC started 5 years ago from the love of plants, culture, and growing new things.
We're located in Bangkok, Thailand the center of mainland Southeast Asia. It is wholly within the tropics and encompasses diverse ecosystems.
It is our goal to ensure each customer finds the perfect plant for their pot. Each plant has its own likes and needs, and we are confident and happy to help you find the best plant for your projects and lifestyle. Whether you’re a novice or an expert, we welcome you to start or continue your journey with us. Just as we take personal care of our plants.
Please ask me for more info
Youtube : BANGKOKPLANT Chanel
FB : รับเพาะเลี้ยงเนื้อเยื่อ-tissue culture
Etsy : TeenyplantTC
IG : teenyplant.official
IG : teenyplant.official
TIKTOK : bangkokplant